Industries We Serve


Document Destruction Services for all Businesses

Doc Delete recognizes the significance of protecting patient and customer data when it comes to internal business practices for all type of industries in Puerto Rico. You can rest assured that our team is dedicated to ensuring the necessary security measures are in place, to keep your organization’s data safe at all times with the professional document destruction services we offer to all type of businesses in Puerto Rico.

Not only do you have a moral obligation to keep sensitive records secure, you have a legal obligation as well. Failing to do so could result in significant fines, business loss, and damage to your reputation.

From lockable collection containers for secure document storage to on-site and off-site document shredding services, Doc Delete has customizable document destruction services and solutions to meet the ever-changing shredding and privacy laws.

Doc Delete provides secure and professional paper shredding solutions to several different industries in Puerto Rico.  Our priority is to supply your business with the necessary resources needed in protecting customer and patient records while they are stored and most importantly after they are no longer needed.

Our data shredding services assist in maintaining this organization and security, keeping your office or facility in compliance with privacy laws.


5 Advantages of Doc Delete Document Destruction Services:

1-Flexible shredding solutions offered on-site at your location, or off-site at our facility

2-Document shredding that is completed by qualified and trained personnel who follow strict security procedures

3-Lockable shredding bins are offered as a secure means of document storage prior to shredding

4-Certificate of Document Destruction clearly outlines that secure destruction did, in fact, take place

5-Tailored options available to meet the needs of your business in Puerto Rico.

Privacy legislation is constantly changing in regards to the safety and security of your sensitive and confidential information. Allow Doc Delete to handle and shred your company’s patient records.

We Work with Several Businesses from a variety of Industry Sectors Including:

• Corporate

Doc Delete is your resource for reliable and efficient document destruction in Puerto Rico. Shredding in-house is far too risky and comes with several disadvantages. We’ll help you save the money and time associated with handling it on your own while safeguarding your business, customers, and patients, from unauthorized information exposure.