Doc Delete Corporation is a locally owned shredding company, and a proud NAID member, providing shredding and recycling services for your confidential documents. Serving Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands Area, Doc Delete offers secure collection and destruction on-site at your location, through the use of our mobile shred trucks, or we’ll collect your documents and transport them to our facility for destruction purposes.
Our skilled professionals will work with you to personally evaluate and recommend the best management practices, in regards to the handling of your sensitive documents. We realize that each client is unique and, therefore, will have unique requirements surrounding budget and service.
Our Customer Service Representatives will provide personalized support for every service. Whether you require on-site shredding services, off-site shredding services, scheduled pick-ups, non-scheduled pick-ups or purges, you can count on Doc Delete to handle your information with the utmost of care. We are a reliable and trustworthy document shredding company.